General Quality of Life Digital Care Pathway
Improve your patients' health-related quality of life by engaging their voice in their healthcare journey.
Higher Quality Care At Your Fingertips
With disease survival rates improving and the life expectancy of populations increasing, the definition of “health” is changing, with an increasing focus on morbidity.
Studies have highlighted the power of patient-reported outcomes in general care, with the use of quality of life (QoL) measurement tools capable of improving patients’ health and in turn decreasing mortality. [1]
Using the SF-36 patient-reported outcome measure (PROM), clinical care teams can measure, analyse and set about improving QoL, while also identifying adverse events earlier and enhancing patient engagement.
With ZEDOC’s general quality of life care pathway, capturing, analysing, and acting on these health-related QoL outcomes is now possible.
Phyo A, Freak-Poli R, Craig H, Gasevic D, Stocks N, Gonzalez-Chica D et al. Quality of life and mortality in the general population: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health [Internet]. 2020;20(1). Available from: https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-020-09639-9#Sec16.
About the Pathway
Using one of the most well-known, widely-used PROMs in the world, the ZEDOC general quality of life digital care pathway enables care teams to automatically and effectively monitor the health-related quality of life and general wellbeing of each and every patient.
Patient Cohort & Applications
General Population
Mobility disability in elderly
Dyspnea in COPD
Musculoskeletal disorders
And more.
Weekly collection
Fortnightly collection
4-Weekly collection
12-Weekly collection
Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
SF-36 (RAND version)
Physical functioning
Social functioning
Physical role functioning
Bodily pain
General mental health
Emotional role functioning
General health perceptions
Key Benefits

How it works
ZEDOC has patient-facing and provider-facing apps that enable patient-reported outcomes to be simply collected and reported back to care teams in real-time.
For Patients
At each point in the outcomes schedule, ZEDOC automatically communicates with patients (via SMS or email) on behalf of the care team, sending secure links to their digital PROMs.
ZEDOC’s low friction patient app allows people to report their condition on their own devices, from anywhere. Key features include:
No download required
Accessibility settings to improve usability
Interactive elements that go beyond surveys
For Providers
With a centralised Provider Portal, ZEDOC turns raw PROM data into meaningful insights via interactive and real-time clinical dashboards.
Set up is simple and fast, with our team able to help you organise licenses for the instruments and get your staff trained with the system.
Key features include:
Set up within one week
Billing managed either monthly or yearly
“SF-36 has proved useful in monitoring population health, estimating the burden of different diseases, monitoring outcomes in clinical practice, and evaluating treatment effects.”
Li L. Chinese SF-36 Health Survey: translation, cultural adaptation, validation, and normalisation. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 2003;57(4):259-263.